Beginner Tips for Freelance Web Designers


If you’re not doing what you love, you are wasting your time

The freelance world is as gratifying to some, as it is frightening to many.

The fear behind this is quite understandable as being a freelancer, unlike working in a steady job, gives you less security.

This is especially true in terms of financial stability.

Though, if you’re committed to making freelancing a part of your lifestyle you can be sure to succeed one way or another.

To an amateur web designer as with any new freelance worker, getting yourself out there might not be that easy.

With the help of the following tips for freelance web designers and developers hopefully, it can give you ideas in manoeuvring yourself into the right direction.


  1. Create an Online Portfolio

    Whether freelancing is your bread and butter or just a part-time gig you wish to get into, having your works online is essential.

    Not only does it make a huge difference in reaching new possible clients but also makes it easier for them to see a sample of it.

    As a web developer certainly you would already know this.

    Though, for the few who are just now dipping their toes into the water, this guide here could be of help in easing your way into the web development scene.

  2. Sign Up to a Freelancing Site

    Why wait for possible clients to find you when you can look for the clients you want yourself?

    In the first few months, even years, building your reputation from the ground up may seem like a daunting task, luckily there are tools now for freelancers like you to use online.

    There are many sites available for freelancers to use to search for clients.

    A couple of examples are Freelancer and Upwork.

    Start by visiting some of these sites and creating your own account, you may not know you might just find what you are looking for here.

  3. Find Groups with Similar Interests

    What easier way to get into the groove of things rather than being with your co-freelancer.

    Having a tight and strong connection is one way to ensure your success in this type of work.

    Joining communities is one of the essential tips for freelance web designers as this foster growth and would be of great help in increasing your knowledge.

    Making you more proficient with your job and thus boosting your chance of getting projects to work on.

  4. Attend Events & Workshops

    The next tips for web designers and developers are to join groups. You also join workshops to get more know-how on topics relating to freelancing.

    You could also join local IT communities like Developer’s Connect Philippines (DevCon), Philippine Web Designers Organization (PWDO), and WeebGeek, just to name a few.

    If you wish to gain more knowledge and be updated with the latest trends in web development and the IT industry in general.

  5. Always Be Updated on the Latest Web Trends and Technology

    Information travels fast especially now that we are living in the social media era.

    Technologies being used in web creation are always changing and evolving.

    A good web developer should not only be updated with these latest changes and trends but also be aware of other affairs such as topics concerning security and the likes.

  6. Find a Wide Range of Clients

    At the beginning of your career, picking specific clients to work for is a good idea.

    This will give you more time to focus on each project more diligently and accurately.

    if you wish to increase your influence and market reach, going outside the box and taking in clients you would normally not, well become a necessity if you wish to thrive as a freelancer.

    The jump shouldn’t be too big, start small like if your original clients are mostly in the medical service industry look for clients not too far apart.

  7. Improve Client Relations

    The job market for freelance web designers and developers in today’s age is pretty stiff.

    So even if you may not be the best in the field, if you have the right attitude getting clients is still possible.

    Having a close professional relationship with clients is the utmost importance.

    Direct referrals from previous clients are always better than advertising yourself online.

  8. Know Your Value

    A common mistake done by amateur freelancers is pricing their services either too high or too low. the latter being more common.

    As a freelancer you are the manager, the salesperson and the employee, thinking of yourself as a company in itself would make this a lot easier to understand.

    Do a little research to maximise your credibility and price competitiveness.

  9. Create a Comfortable Workspace

    You will be working for an unimaginable amount of time so it’s only right to get yourself as comfy as possible.

    To some working in their bedroom might be okay, but to others who are easily tempted, this could have an adverse effect on their productivity.

    Build an area specifically for work, this is not only to keep you more focused on the tasks but also having a separate area for work gives you more thinking space and fewer distractions.

  10. Never Give Up

    Being a freelancer it isn’t surprising that there will be times that you will be tackling a lot of responsibilities by yourself.

    It is at this point that you might become overwhelmed and decide to throw in the towels.

    Though it may be quite tricky at first, having the right mindset and taking tasks one at a time instead of all at once, soon you will be able to create the right environment to work on.


Freelancing isn’t for everyone, but for those who had decided to pursue this field, you have already proven to have the strength and courage to get started. Hopefully, these quick tips for freelance web designers and developers, helped.

Now, it just a matter of keeping this desire and passion flowing as you go forward into your career, with proper motivation and a can-do spirit becoming successful in this line of work is possible and remember to always strive to learn something new every day.