About That Kid

Hey! My name is Mark Lund, a Graphic Designer and Illustrator. Some of my friends call me “MC”.

I’ve created this site as a catalyst for my previous, present and upcoming artworks. This also serves as a place where I keep some of the side projects that I work on during my free time.

Motion Graphics and Photography, are a couple more things I like messing around with. My interest in the two blossomed when I was still studying in college and up to now I still dabble with these two but to a much lower extent.

Here are a couple of links of some of the works  I’ve created from the past:

• Videvo

• Vimeo

Although my love for motion graphics is great, my adoration for illustrating is greater as it is something I have been doing for as long as I can remember. As a kid who came into sense during the renaissance age of animation, this fueled my wonder for all things animated and started copying from then famous cartoons and anime.

My love for animes’ and cartoons stays constant, though my artwork hardly reflects this nowadays. For as my technical knowledge in drafting grows so as my drive to create something more original. Works conceived from my own thoughts and feelings rather than knock offs of works by others.

I still have a lot to learn and being a self-taught artist this could be somewhat of a challenge, but at the same time exhilarating.

I like meeting new people, especially if they have similar interests. Liberalism is a philosophy I strongly adhere to, but I keep these views mostly to myself. Enforcing a belief onto another is just too barbaric and just plain ludicrous.

…Taken from the note of the deranged thoughts a pseudo-intellectual psychopathic kid.

Mark Lund Graphic Designer