Backup Plugin for WordPress to Keep Your Data Safe


In the online world, it is of utmost importance to always have a back-up copy of all your files. It is especially true now that malware and ransomware are becoming even more active with recent attacks. Targeting mostly giant corporate businesses. Even though these recent attacks seem to aim at bigger targets it doesn’t mean you’re already safe.

Keep in mind having back-up plugins installed to your WordPress well ensure that you will always have the upper hand in case of such events occur to you.

Nowadays, most backup plugins offer free services. Though a bit limited and if you wanted to unlock these other features you will need to purchase/upgrade the plugin.

That being said choosing the right plugin might be a bit overwhelming so a list of some of the best backup plugins is provided below:


With over 4 million downloads, BackWPup is one of the most popular FREE backup plugins for WP around. It is capable of storing your entire database and push it to a 3rd party service such as DropBox, OneDrive, etc. Customization is rather simple with the plugin as you can easily choose what and where to store the data.

If you are looking for better customer support though you may need to purchase the premium version (BackWPup Pro). Additional features are also included with the premium version. The price starts at $69.00 a year capable of securing one (1) domain and one (1) year 24/7 support.


On its’ own the duplicator is powerful back-up plugin capable of backing-up files and pretty much your entire site. Duplicator has the capability to copy, move or clone a site from one server to another. All these features are available even with the FREE version.

Though managing the plugin may be a bit difficult for new users, experienced users would know just how flexible the plugin truly is.

If you’re a typical user, the FREE version is more than enough to cater to most of your needs. Though if you wanted to have better control, upgrading to Duplicator PRO is definitely what you will need to do!


Arguably the highest-ranking and most popular back-up plugin due to its’ on-time scheduled back-up capability that it offers for FREE. Other features include its’ capability to be directly connected with 3rd party cloud storage such as DropBox, OneDrive, Google Cloud Storage, etc.

It also offers a premium version (UpDraft Premium), with it you can manage more than one site.

The capability to back-up even non-WP files and databases to multiple different destinations.


BackupBuddy Is another great backup plugin developed by the iThemes. The plugin offers extensive features that cover beyond keeping a safe copy of your online files.

Some of its features include automatic backups, you can also set a specific time of when to create the backup for the files.

Another great feature of it includes database scans, repair and malware protection ensuring that your files are always safe and free from corruption.


Unlike most on this list, WP-DB-Backup’s sole purpose is to back up your database. 

Now before you go on a rant that it may seem absurd to only be able to back-up your database you must remember that sometimes less is more.

Having access to your entire DB can be a real game-changer. This is especially true in the chance of hackers or malware infecting your server. Destroying your server in the process.

Having this kind of plugin will definitely come in handy when faced with such a situation.


Though VaultPress isn’t available for free use, it makes up for it by offering a really low subscription fee starting with $3.50 each month.

With it, most features are readily available, not only backing-up your important files but also securing them from brute force attacks and malware that may corrupt your system.


Looking for a cheap, yet powerful plugin to back up your site?

Why not try BackUpWordPress, as the name suggests its’ main function is to back up your WordPress built website.

Its’ simple user interface makes it easy for even the most experienced developers to manage.

It has quite the good support considering its’ free service, you also have the option to have each backup file be emailed to you if you chose to.

WordPress Backup & Clone Master – may no longer be available

Similar to VaultPress, WordPress Backup & Clone Master (WB&CM), is also a premium plugin. Its’ main features include: Auto upload to Dropbox and other 3rd party cloud storage, ability to choose which server to store the back up in and transfer entire site by cloning.


All in all, there are a number of plugins out there to choose from, so you may want to try out a few to see which would best fit your needs. Remember sometimes having just the specific features are more than enough to protect your site, just be more mindful, added with a few more research securing your site would become a breeze.