How Email Newsletter Help In Growing Your Business?

Similar to social media, email newsletter has also become an integral part of a business’ operations. Offering an effective way to connect to existing and future clients.

To some, if you are new to the marketing world, you might be asking, “what is email marketing?

Email marketing, according to Brick Marketing, it is a way to reach consumers directly via electronic mail and unlike spam, direct email marketing reaches those interested in your business’ area of expertise. The information is sent out more like a laser-guided missile than a bomb. It is a tool the can aid in shaping your company’s brand to become more recognised and trusted.

A tool often used by email marketer is the Newsletter, originally printed, it contains a brief story of a specific topic that is circulated within a specified number of people. It contains some quick updates that spark the reader’s interests in an instant. Nowadays, newsletters no longer just use printed media, with the help of digital platforms, we can now create newsletters that are not only more creative but also more interactive in its delivery.

There are three popular types of email newsletter namely:

  1. Magazine Style

    According to May Create Design, a magazine-style e-newsletter is synonymous with a short copy. This is a good choice if your primary newsletter goal is to drive traffic to your website. For your viewers to read the entire article you are advertising, they must visit your website. This newsletter-style includes short excerpts for multiple articles, not just one, accompanied by many links transferring viewers to each highlighted full article on your website. Try not to overwhelm viewers with the number of featured articles, keep it to 10 or less, preferably around 5-7.

  2. Hybrid Style

    A medium-length copy is usually used in the hybrid style of e-newsletters. This style works well if you are looking to be able to both inform your readers and promote a product, service or e-book. Within this newsletter, readers will see one larger excerpt that links to a website for more information.

  3. Single Topic Style

    The single topic style of e-newsletters is exactly what it sounds like – the newsletter only shares information about a single topic or idea. All the information your readers could possibly need would be included in the email itself, so the copy will belong. Links are usually unnecessary in this style because the reader already has everything they need. This style isn’t a good choice when sending newsletters for marketing purposes because the reader has no reason to visit your online home base (your website) and learn more about your brand.

email newsletter for business
A sample screenshot of the newsletter of Campaign Monitor


Having some doubts? Let me help you by giving some tips.

Ways Email Newsletter Help in Growing Your Business

  • Save the Tree, Cut the Costs

    One of the best reasons why the digital newsletter is a great idea, in spreading updates, is that by going digital with your newsletter you are not only saving on funds for print, but you are also helping lessen the use of paper that in turn lessen the number of trees to be cut down. Talk about hitting two birds with one stone!

  • Increases Sales

    Sending newsletter will give a preview to your readers the capability of your business. It is important that your article will cover topics that would attract the interest of your target audience, proper research is required to be able to accurately create articles that would be best suited for the job.

  • Maintain Customer Relations

    Newsletters are a great way for a business to maintain a good relationship with their customers/clients. With little effort, you can send updates to your intended audience instantly. If a business regularly sends a newsletter to their clients, this would help in reminding your clients of the existence of the company in turn if they would need something that your business offers, they would recall your company instantaneously.

  • Brand Recognition

    With a newsletter, your name and logo would always be seen, making it easier for your clients to recognise your brand. Create a template that follows your company’s logo and over-colour theme to make it distinguished and easier to remember.

  • Gain Some Street Cred

    Creating consistent, high-quality content will ensure that your business is taken seriously increasing the trust and respect you have with your clients. This, in turn, will make it a lot easier to promote your products and services.

  • Grows Your Network

    Email marketing can aid in building your connection by allowing you to capture email address through your website’s subscription form. By entering their name and email, the visitors are giving you permission to market to them as well as make offers all via email. Don’t forget to promote your newsletter in your social media accounts, website, when speaking, in your products even in your email signature.

  • Opens Doors to New Opportunities

    Sometimes through your published articles, a wave of opportunities may suddenly flood in whether it may be a request for a joint venture, partnership, media interview and so forth. All it takes is for the right person to notice your business and become interested in what you offer.

  • Reach a Wider Audience

    Bring your subscribers back into your website by promoting recent blog via newsletter. You can also reuse old newsletter and re-share them in your social media accounts. Another method to reach a wider audience is by using an article sharing site, this would greatly boost traffic into your site and quite possibly attract new clients in the process.

  • Educate Your Subscribers

    Keep your readers up to date with changes that may be taking place in your business. By sharing, you are keeping them informed with your products and services. This is a great way to attract your previous clients to do business with you ones again once they see the improvements and innovation you are promoting.


To finish this off, for the success of your business a solid marketing strategy is needed. Using e-newsletters is one way that will help you build this strategy and put it into play.
E-newsletters have various advantages, on top of it being cheaper and more efficient, it is also nature friendly as printed media is no longer being used unless necessary. It can also bring in new opportunities you would never think of encountering, as what you post is online It would have a chance to reach a wider audience.

Bear in mind though that as much as newsletters are effective in promoting, you must remember to always be consistent with your post and always be truthful on what you advertise,
email newsletters could either build or break your online business reputation. The email newsletter is also quite easy to produce and yours could be lost in the clutter, so giving it the right headline that would attract your audience is key.

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