Joining the Challenge of Inktober 2017


For this year 2017, I have decided in joining the month-long challenge of drawing each day. This is called Inktober and hope you join me too.

October has always been my favourite month probably due to my natural inclination to all things deemed weird and creepy,

In this month though it is completely acceptable and even celebrated to be just that. It is the month where I feel at peace with myself and everything just seems darker and brighter at the same time (if that makes any sense).

Another reasons why I love this month particularly was when I discovered a special art challenge celebrated for the entire month of October just a  year ago, Inktober.

Last year when I joined the challenge, I was working on a lot of projects at the time, especially it was the time that I and a partner of mine decided to venture onto a consulting agency business, things have been so busy during those days that I barely had any time to work on any new artwork let alone continue my works for this challenge.

I was able to create at least 10 artworks at the time and you can view all of them in the slider below.

This year with more time on my hand, I’m planning on completing the 31 days challenge, no matter what! I have been slacking on my artwork and up to now still haven’t continued the graphic novel I’m working on, but probably will drop the story altogether as I’m working on a new more mature and suitable to my current situation now.

I’ll be updating this as to how I’m going when I reach half of the month until then best of luck to me! It will be the most fun and most dreadful month I can already imagine…

Advance Happy Halloween y’all!!